

Orange Beneficence --- The Lohas Elderly Ramble on The Cloud











In Taiwan, the industrial and economic structure, and social welfare system will face the adjustment and conversion period due to the evolution of aging at great speed and population negative growth. As an old saying goes, rare ancients live more than seventy. But today, many of the retired elderly are more than seventy, and still in good health due to the advanced medicine. A Germany NRW’s plan from 2000 found that it can effectively extend the healthy life of the elderly by enhancing the elderly s' community involvement, and the larger community involvement of the elderly, the better economic capacity they have. This spontaneous consumption contributes much more to the economic benefits, than the government invested large sums of money to develop silver industry or to promote consumption. Journal of Preventive Medicine in 2008, a study found that better social skills the elderly have, the better mental and physical function than people the same age. And the elderly who can care for others, participate community or learn more, time to fall severe ill is slower than others. These studies confirm that the elderly who often go out to participate in social activities, care for others, and always keep learning and being in a happy mood, live healthy much longer than others, and the use of medical care is relatively small.

On this point, the Midst District Director in the National Open University, Dr. Lin Lian-Chung, confirmed that statistics from the center's department of Continuing Education show a tendency to the increasing enrollment of the retired elderly to learn in recent years. In this study, a web blog based on the Orange Beneficence will be set to integrate the internet information to provide a platform (cloud-like concept) exclusive for the elderly. This platform will provide a complete arrangement of lifestyle information and hyperlinks for the food, clothing, shelter, education, entertainment and aesthetics, to let the internet search be more convenient, and bring the elderly a LOHAS retirement.


Key words : elderly, silver industry, the cloud system

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